Top 5 Tech Trends We Can Expect In 2024

What Tech Trends Can We Expect in 2024?

From AI and Quantum Computing to Deep Fake Menace and Sustainable Technology, we dive into our predictions for our top 5 tech trends we expect to see in 2024

1. Artificial Intelligence

This won't be a shock that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is here to stay, but how is it going to affect/improve our day to day lives?

In the education sector, there is lots of excitement around the benefit of AI being used and reshaping education as we know it. The power of AI will be able to tailor coursework to each students individual needs and adapt to their learning style.

Artificial Intelligence
Another benefit of having AI Tutors, is that they can be on-call, whenever the student requires support at any time. This adds advantage to students and their learning as they are not time bound to ask for support. However, this leaves us with a question, is this the beginning of the end of real life tutors and educators?

   2. Deep Fake Menace

With all the positivity AI can bring, unfortunately there is a downside because, in the wrong hands, AI can perform AI-driven attacks. A Deep Fake attack is where the attacker can create realistic audio and video content that impersonates individuals or organisations. This manipulative technique can deceive even the most vigilant individuals, eroding trust and facilitating the success of phishing attempts.

According to Meta Compliance they anticipate a surge in AI-driven attacks, manipulating machine learning algorithms to bypass traditional security measures, identify vulnerabilities, and launch more targeted and adaptive attacks.

We recommend using Cybsafe as trusted awareness program for your business. Cybsafe send regular updates and quizzes which allows your team to test their IT knowledge, keeping them refreshed.

3. Edge Computing

Cloud computing has become mainstream, with major players AWS (Amazon Web Services), Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platforms dominating the market. The adoption of cloud computing is still growing, as more and more businesses migrate to a cloud solution. But it’s no longer the emerging technology trend.
Edge computing is a networking philosophy focused on bringing computing as close to the source of data as possible in order to reduce latency and bandwidth use. In simpler terms, edge computing means running fewer processes in the cloud and moving those processes to local places, such as on a user’s computer, an IoT (Internet of Things) device, or an edge server. Bringing computation to the network’s edge minimises the amount of long-distance communication that has to happen between a client and server.

4. Sustainable Technology

Sustainable technology also known as Green IT, encompasses the entire lifecycle of information technology, from production and utilisation to administration and disposal, all aimed at reducing its environmental footprint. Unfortunately many electronic items we use and rely on in our everyday lives will become E-Waste (electronic waste) due to them either breaking, or being upgrading to the latest model, these items include:

  • Mobile phones
  • Computers
  • Printers/scanners
  • Routers and modems


These devices can contain heavy metals and chemicals which can have a huge affect on our bodies, land, water and air if not disposed of correctly.

When it comes to defining sustainability within technology, several factors come into play:

  1. Substitution: This involves transitioning from non-biodegradable to biodegradable materials during production, alongside replacing non-renewable resources with renewable ones.
  2. Prevention: Sustainable technology acts to forestall deterioration, contamination, and other adverse environmental impacts during its usage or manufacturing.
  3. Efficiency: This technology operates with high efficiency concerning its consumption of energy and resources.

2024 will hopefully see businesses and individuals being more sustainable with their IT choices.

5. Quantum Computing

Quantum computing is a rapidly-emerging technology that harnesses the laws of quantum mechanics to solve problems too complex for classical computers.

Dr Simon Plant, deputy director for innovation, National Quantum Computing Centre (NQCC) said

“2024 promises to be an exciting year, with the expected completion of the National Quantum Computing Centre’s flagship facility at Harwell Campus in Oxfordshire, along with £30m of investment in quantum computing testbeds by 2025 that will further enhance the UK’s quantum computing capabilities."


The Quantum Computing Mission aims to:

  • Accelerate the UK’s strategic advantage and capabilities
  • Increase the growth in user adoption of quantum computing and associated essential skills
  • Uncover critical bottlenecks in understanding technology readiness and systems performance on the pathway to delivering fully fault-tolerant error-corrected quantum computing for the UK.

The NQCC is coordinating with partners across UK Research & Innovation in support of this initiative. The mission seeks to drive the development of test-beds and applications to underpin further growth of a UK quantum computing sector capable of delivering quantum advantage in 2025.

We hope you found these predicted top tech trends useful.

Let's see what tech has to offer us in 2024! 

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