Service Level Agreement

Our SLA is designed to deliver Exceptional Customer Service.

Gather Differentiator: The BIG Red Button

On occasion, for reasons that are not covered by BAU, an issue that might usually be considered medium or even low priority, needs to be treated as high or even urgent priority.


With any request, irrespective of how our SLA defines it, if you tell us something is urgent and we’ll treat it as such – we call this our 'Big Red Button', which you can press at any time, to increase the priority of a request, and flag it to the most senior members of our team.

Our standard operating targets are summarised in the table below, which includes both the targets which we are striving to meet, and the guarantees we will meet.

Priority SLA Matrix

Our SLA is ONLY active when the ticket is in the 'OPEN' status, i.e. waiting on Gather to do something. If a ticket is waiting on the customer, or a third-party the SLA timer is paused.

All tickets are triaged according to the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) definitions of Impact and Urgency. These are used to assign the priority of a ticket, as outlined below.


  • High – The entire organisation is affected.
  • Medium – Entire department, or office is affected, for example, one branch office cannot work.
  • Low – Single user or very small group is affected.


  • High – One or more business processes are stopped, for example, CRM is unavailable.
  • Medium – A degradation in service, for example, the internet is running slow. A change that affects one or more business processes.
  • Low – Incidents or Changes with minimal impact, for example, Outlook search isn’t working correctly.

Priority Matrix